Brascher, Joe

President and Senior Hydrologist
Olympia, WA

Stormwater Management
Surface Water Modeling
Software Development

Mr. Brascher has over 15 years of experience in numerous aspects of hydrologic modeling, stormwater management, and software development.
Before co-founding Clear Creek Solutions Mr. Brascher worked for the City of Olympia, Thurston County, and AQUA TERRA Consultants in Tumwater, Washington.
He has experience with HSPF, EPA SWMM, and numerous other computer models. Mr. Brascher continues to be a recognized leader in the application and use of the EPA’s HSPF model. Since 1999 he has served as the lead hydrology consultant for the Port of Seattle, with primary responsibility for calibration of watershed models used in the expansion of the SeaTac International Airport and addition of a third runway. This is the largest single public works project in the history of Washington State. For this effort Mr. Brascher partnered the integration of an HSPF surface water model with a 2D hydrus/ slice model for the first time. Mr. Brascher has also pioneered the integration of the EPA SWMM and EPA HSPF models. These efforts have produced seamlessly integrated continuous simulation models that incorporate the strengths of both models.
Mr. Brascher was the project manager and chief architect for the development of the Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) for the Washington State Department of Ecology. This project involved the development of a software design tool that is based on EPA’s HSPF continuous simulation model and incorporates the Washington State Department of Ecology standards for development in an extremely user friendly interface. The model has become the standard for sizing stormwater mitigation facilities for development in Western Washington.
Using the WWHM software platform Mr. Brascher has also created HSPF-based hydrologic and hydraulic modeling software packages for the San Francisco Bay Area and the Edwards Aquifer in San Antonio, TX.